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License management

Purchase license

If you buy the software, you buy the right to use it indefinitely. The price contains updates in accordance with the current regulations in the year of purchase or, if it happened after 1 October, by the end of next year. After this term of time, we provide the necessary updates for a follow-up fee.

Rent license

If you decide to rent the software, we provide the updates in exchange for monthly rental fee. In this structure the rental fee may be recognised as an immediate cost. The fee of customer support from 8:00 to 16:30 on weekdays is included in both purchase price and rental fee.

The software is modular. The modules can be purchased separately. The price depends on the number of the selected modules, the number of staff on the payroll and the number of used computers. 


For more details, please contact our sales representative!

Phone: +36 (1) 273 3838